


Hi yall welcome to my page ! i have a lot of hobbies and interests that i want to showcase in my site. ive seen a lot of other cool neocities sites and was inspired a lot. ill post art and stuff like that here so this place is more interesting for you guys to explore. im currently in the beginning process of creating my site, but i hope you like what i make (you dont have to ofc) bc im new to this community, and i want to share my interests in interesting ways like the other ppl here. I got inspired a lot by this site especially. anyways thx for being here !

navigation and credit

You can find more through the entry portal that took you here in the
first place. Most of the planets have links attached to them to
rentries and other places. The credit for all of the images used on my
neocities are in the "©"when you scroll down.

music heals.

There is music for everyone to enjoy. Every song is a treasure to collect to add to your trove. Every note can be felt through your soul. Through music, you can be transported to somewhere better--even for just a moment. Music is a part of being human.

"Where words fail, music speaks." - Hans Christian-Anderson

© Emiko 2024-2025